Do not look back too much!

When I was preparing for my driving test, one thing my coach kept telling me, but I kept forgetting was, for every five seconds I need to take a glance at the rearview mirror - to look at what's behind me.

I understand the reasoning behind this requirement; however, the very idea of keeping looking back, while I am driving forward, troubles every cell inside me.

The essence of the test is conformity, and there is no room for personal customisation.

However, life is not a test but a play written, directed and performed by no one but you. Feel free to do whatever you want as long as you accept your responsibilities. In my play, I chose to look back less often, maybe once a while retrospectively but not regularly.

If there is a parallel universe where we haven't learned the concept of yesterday (the past) and tomorrow (the future), we will be a lot happier, won't we?

The burden of past and future makes our lives much more complicated and hard to fathom.

A lot of people around me are living in the past, letting the past dictate their present. Just because they failed their first business earlier, it will be foolish for them to start another.

They use their past experiences and knowledge to determine their present and future. You know who else does that, we call them "experts". That is why I always feel a bit upset when someone refers to themselves as experts in a particular field.

I intend to be a beginner forever, which releases me from the burden that I always need to be 100% right. Having a beginner's mindset leads to a much more innovative and creative life.


Do not search for the right way!


Do not feel you are not ready!